The phoretic Brownian dynamics method is shown here to be an effective approach to simulate the properties of colloidal chemophoretic based systems. The method is then optimized to allow for the comparison with results from multiparticle collision dynamics, a hydrodynamic method with explicit solvent, which can also be employed in the case of chemoattractive polymers. In order to obtain a good match of the conformational equilibrium properties of the models without and with explicit solvent, we propose a modified version of the phoretic Brownian dynamics accounting for the explicit solvent induced swelling. In the presence of activity, chemoattractive polymers show a transition to a compact globular state, and hydrodynamics have a nontrivial influence in the polymer collapse times. The phoretic Brownian method can then be applied to much longer polymers, which allows the observation of a nonmonotonous growth of both, the radius of gyration and the relaxation time with polymer length, for such chemoattractive active polymers.