A biexciton in a semiconductor quantum dot is a source of polarization-entangled photons with high potential for implementation in scalable systems. Several approaches for nonresonant, resonant, and quasiresonant biexciton preparation exist, but all have their own disadvantages; for instance, low fidelity, timing jitter, incoherence, or sensitivity to experimental parameters. We demonstrate a coherent and robust technique to generate a biexciton in an InGaAs quantum dot with a fidelity close to 1. The main concept is the application of rapid adiabatic passage to the ground-state-exciton-biexciton system. We reinforce our experimental results with simulations which include a microscopic coupling to phonons. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.161302 Entangled photon pairs are a powerful resource, especially for quantum teleportation and quantum key distribution protocols. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear optics is a source of entangled photon pairs [1], but success is not guaranteed-the emission is a probabilistic process-and the error rate is high. In contrast, semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are bright, on-demand sources of both single photons [2] and entangled photon pairs and hence have enormous potential in quantum computing and quantum cryptography [3].A biexciton in a QD is the starting point for a two-photon cascade: when perfectly prepared, biexciton decay leads to the subsequent emission of two photons [ Fig. 1(f)]. In a QD without a significant fine-structure splitting (FSS), the two photons are polarization entangled [4]. The majority of InGaAs QDs show a FSS due to a reduced symmetry [5][6][7]. However, sophisticated techniques were developed to compensate for the FSS with strain [8], electric [9], or magnetic fields [10,11] and with special growth conditions [7].Several approaches for biexciton preparation have been proposed [12][13][14][15] and demonstrated [4,[16][17][18][19][20]. Resonant two-photon schemes involving Rabi rotations [4,17,18] are sensitive to fluctuations in both laser power and QD optical frequency. They are likely to suffer from an imperfect biexciton preparation resulting in undesired exciton photons unrelated to the cascade process.A more robust scheme using phonon-assisted excitation was reported by several groups recently [18][19][20][21][22]. An impressively high biexciton occupation of up to 95% was demonstrated using this quasiresonant scheme [20]. But the strength here is also a weakness. The scheme relies on the coupling to the phonon bath in the semiconductor environment: it is an inherently incoherent process. Also, a dependence on relaxation processes in the state preparation results in a timing jitter. In some cases, charge-carrier relaxation times can reach values of up to a nanosecond [23].We present here a coherent technique to create a biexciton with high probability, low jitter, and weak dependence on the * timo.kaldewey@unibas.ch excitation and system parameters. The technique is based on rapid adiabatic passage (RAP). RAP allows the robust creatio...