ABSTRACT:The equilibrium internuclear separations and harmonic frequencies of the BCl(X 1 R þ ) radical have been studied using the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) approach in combination with a series of correlation-consistent basis sets in the valence range. To accurately determine the ground-state dissociation energy of the radical, the potential energy curve (PEC) is calculated at each basis set over the internuclear distance range from about 0.08 to 2.00 nm so as to affirm that the PEC is completely smooth and convergent. The PECs are all fitted to the Murrell-Sorbie function form, which are employed to reproduce the spectroscopic parameters, such as x e v e , a e , B e , and D 0 . The present D 0 , D e , R e , x e , x e v e , a e , and B e obtained at the MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z level of theory with the , and 0.6860 cm À1 , respectively, which almost perfectly conform to the available measurements. The effects on the spectroscopic parameters by the relativistic corrections at different basis sets have been taken into considerations. With the potential determined at the MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z level of theory, which considers the relativistic corrections, a total of 90 vibrational states is predicted when the rotational quantum number J equals zero (J ¼ 0) by numerically solving the radial Schrö dinger equation of nuclear motion. For each vibrational state, one vibrational level and corresponding classical turning points, one inertial rotation and six centrifugal distortion constants are determined when J ¼ 0, which are in excellent agreement with the available experimental data.