LADDAGA, R. A., and R. A. MACLEOD. 1982. Effects of-wash treatments on the ultrastructure and lysozyme penetrability of the outer membrane of various marine and two terrestrial gram-negative bacteria. Can. J. Microbiol. 28: 318-324. Twenty-three marine and two terrestrial gram-negative bacteria were examined for the effect on the outer membrane of the cells of washing the organisms successively in 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M sucrose, a procedure which brings about the loss of the outer membrane from Alteromonas haloplanktis 2 14. Six organisms lost their outer membrane completely, three lost it partially, and six retained it but in a form which indicated that the membrane had been affected extensively. The remaining 10 organisms including the two terrestrial species, Escherichia coli and Pseudornonas aeruginosa, showed no changes detectable in thin section by electron microscopy. None of the 16 organisms which retained their outer membrane after washing were converted from rod forms to spheres by lysozyme before washing but 12, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, formed spheres in the presence of the enzyme after the wash treatment. For many of the latter organisms, treatment with lysozyme caused large segments of the outer membrane of the cells to be removed. Losses in cell viability following washing and treatment with lysozyme paralleled the extent of damage to the outer membrane perceived by electron microscopy. LADDAGA, R. A., et R. A. MACLEOD. 1982. Effects of wash treatments on the ultrastructure and lysozyme penetrability of the outer membrane of various marine and two terrestrial gram-negative bacteria. Can. J. Microbiol. 28: 318-324. Nous avons CtudiC vingt-trois bactkries marines et deux bactCries terrestres i gram-nCgatif pour connaitre I'effet de lavages successifs avec 0,5 M NaCl et 0,5 M saccharose sur la membrane externe des cellules: cette technique permet de dC&cher la membrane externe de Alteromonas haloplanktis 214. Six organismes ont complbtement perdu leur membrane externe, trois l'ont perdu en partie et six l'ont retenu mais sous une forme laissant voir des altkrations majeures. Les 10 autres organismes incluant les deux esp&ces terrestres, Escherichia coli et Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ne montraient aucun changement lors de l'examen de coupes minces au microscope Clectronique. Aucun des 16 organismes qui retenaient l e u membrane externe aprks lavage ne passaient d'une forme de bitonnet A une forme sphkrique suite A l'action du lysozyme avant lavage; cependant, 12 organismes,Pseudomonas aeruginosa y compris, formaient des sphbres en prksence de l'enzyme aprbs le traitement de lavage. Pour plusieurs de ces derniers, le traitement au lysozyme entrainait la perte d'irnportants segments de la membrane externe des cellules. Des pertes de viabilitk cellulaire resultant du lavage et du traitement au lysozyme Ctaient observCes en paralEle avec I'importance des dornmages A la membrane externe, tel que visualis6 par microscopie tlectronique.[Traduit par le journal]