Low-energy dissociative electron attachment to molecular acetonitrile (CH 3 CN) is investigated by recording the efficiency curves of CH 2 CN − , CHCN − , and CN − products, but the present curves are distinctly different from those in the previous reports. Now it is recommended that the reaction thresholds of e − + CH 3 CN → H 2 + CHCN − and CH 3 + CN − are respectively about 1.51 and 1.52 eV, and four shape-resonant states, one 2 Π and three 2 ∑, of CH 3 CN − are involved in the fragmentations at the low and high electron-attachment energies. By using a high-resolution anion velocitymap imaging spectrometer, we obtain the CN − momentum images at the electron attachment energies of 7.10, 7.60, and 8.10 eV and interpret them with four pathways concerning two-and three-body dissociations.