Conceptually new methods of hydrate formation are proposed. The first one is based on the shock wave impact on a water-bubble medium. It is shown that the hydrate formation rate in this process is typically very high. A gas hydrate of carbon dioxide was produced. The process was experimentally studied using various initial conditions, as well as different external action magnitudes. The obtained experimental data are in good agreement with the proposed model. Other methods are based on the process of boiling liquefied gas in an enclosed volume of water (explosive boiling of a hydrating agent and the organization of cyclic boiling-condensation process). The key features of the methods are the high hydrate formation rate combined with a comparatively low power consumption leading to a great expected efficiency of the technologies based on them. The set of experiments was carried out. Gas hydrates of refrigerant R134a, carbon dioxide and propane were produced. The investigation of decomposition of a generated gas hydrate sample was made. The criteria of intensification of the hydrate formation process are formulated.