In this study, the effects of stirring speed, temperature, H 2 C 2 O 4 concentration and particle size on the dissolution rate of CaWO 4 in H 2 C 2 O 4 solutions were investigated. CaWO 4 was dissolved in H 2 C 2 O 4 solutions as series parallel type reaction. In the first step which took place according to Langmuir-Hinshelwood Mechanism, H 2 C 2 O 4 was adsorbed as a mobile adsorption layer on the surface of CaWO 4 , reacted to form adsorbed calcium aqua oxalato tungstate (Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O]) intermediate product and the adsorbed Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] was desorbed into the solution. In the second step, Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] hydrolysed and formed H 2 WO 4 which reacted with H 2 C 2 O 4 to form hydrogen aqua oxalato tungstate (H 2 [WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O]) as end product together with solid CaC 2 O 4 H 2 O. Model kinetic equations were derived which showed the relationships of the fractional conversion of CaWO 4 , the concentration of Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] and the concentration of H 2 [WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] with time. The diagrams drawn according to the model kinetic equations were in good agreement with the experimentally obtained diagrams (R 2 .0?99). Dans cette é tude, on a examiné les effets de la vitesse d'agitation, de la tempé rature, de la concentration d'H 2 C 2 O 4 et de la taille de particule sur la vitesse de dissolution de CaWO 4 dans des solutions d'H 2 C 2 O 4 . On a dissous le CaWO 4 dans des solutions d'H 2 C 2 O 4 en une ré action de type sé rie-parallè le. Dans la premiè re é tape, qui avait lieu d'aprè s le Mé canisme de LangmuirHinshelwood, l'H 2 C 2 O 4 é tait adsorbé en une couche mobile d'adsorption à la surface du CaWO 4 , ré agissait pour former le produit intermé diaire adsorbé , aqua oxalato tungstate de calcium (Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O]), et ce Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] adsorbé é tait dé sorbé dans la solution. Dans la seconde é tape, le Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] é tait hydrolysé et formait l'H 2 WO 4 qui ré agissait avec l'H 2 C 2 O 4 pour former de l'aqua oxalato tungstate d'hydrogè ne (H 2 [WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O]) comme produit final avec le CaC 2 O 4 H 2 O solide. On a dé rivé les é quations ciné tiques du modè le, lesquelles montraient les relations de la conversion fractionnelle du CaWO 4 , de la concentration de Ca[WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] et de la concentration d'H 2 [WO 3 (C 2 O 4 )H 2 O] en fonction du temps. Les diagrammes dessiné s d'aprè s les é quations ciné tiques du modè le é taient en bon accord avec les diagrammes obtenus expé rimentalement (R 2 .0?99). List of symbols C concentration CW calcium aqua oxalato tungstate E i activation energy (i50, 1 and 2)HW hydrogen aqua oxalato tungstate k i rate constant (i50, 1, a, -a, d and r) k i,0 frequency factor (i50, 1 and 2) n i mole number n i,0 initial mole number p number of CaWO 4 particle r i reaction rate (i50, 1, 2, a, r and d) r W reaction rate r c radius of solid CaWO