Ag2MoO4 crystals were prepared by a precipitation method by mixing parent solutions of silver nitrate and sodium molybdate. The effects of experimental parameters such as temperature, concentration, and pH were studied. The samples were found to be crystalline, pure, and monophasic in all cases, except in the case of very low pH. The precipitation leads to the formation of the cubic phase β and no secondary phase is present within the limits of detection of XRD and Raman spectroscopy. However, in some cases, at high temperature and high pH, silver oxide nanoparticles form on the surfaces of the crystals, which create a fluorescence background in the Raman spectra, which is otherwise absent. Analyses with the electron microscope have highlighted that the most common crystalline shape is octahedral, which is the most prevalent at low temperatures and pH around 7, but others are also possible, in particular at high temperatures. No growth occurs after precipitation, so crystals with different appearances form at the same time.