Dissolved oxygen (DO) is essential for maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems, thus, the depletion of DO in lakes remains an important research topic (Kalff, 2002). DO depletion can have significant implications across trophic levels, from increasing harmful algal blooms (HABs) to reducing fish habitat (Diaz & Rosenberg, 2008). The main sinks of DO in aquatic ecosystems include biological and biogeochemical processes occurring in both the water column and at the sediment-water interface (Bouffard et al., 2013;Müller et al., 2012). Hypoxia in lakes and reservoirs has increased over the past century mainly as a result of an increased demand for DO stemming from excessive nutrient loading or eutrophication (Schindler et al., 2016). Ongoing changes in climate are expected to increase hypoxia in many lakes by stimulating rates of respiration more than primary production, and by increasing thermal stratification and reducing the frequency of mixing events (Adrian et al., 2009;Yvon-Durocher et al., 2010). Regardless of the mechanism, extended periods of hypoxia can alter redox potential and lead to internal loading of nutrients from sediments (Welch & Cooke, 1995), further contributing to eutrophication, HABs, and deteriorated water quality. Thus, simple and cost-efficient ways of quantifying and predicting the drawdown of DO in lakes and reservoirs is a priority for limnologists and water managers to ensure ecosystem health and maintain water quality standards.A wide variety of tools have been developed to make direct measurements of DO in aquatic ecosystems, ranging from the traditional Winkler titration to optical oxygen sensors. Limnologists have utilized various approaches for quantifying DO depletion rates. These include the areal hypolimnetic oxygen demand (AHOD, g DO m −2 d −1 ), which quantifies DO depletion rates down to 2 mg L −1 , and the anoxic/hypoxic factor (AF/HF, d season −1 ) which estimates the number of days that an area equal to the lake bottom is exposed to anoxia/hypoxia, a proxy of the length of time that anoxia/hypoxia persists (Nürnberg, 2002). More recently, Matzinger et al. (2010) developed the concept of aerial hypolimnetic mineralization rates (AHM, g DO m −2 d −1 ) to include the fluxes of reduced substances (e.g., methane and ammonium) released from the sediments under anoxic conditions. Other current studies have successfully tested the relationship between