“…This is generally understood to mean that our textual practices find their motivation and occur across and within a range of communities – family, school, gang, Internet chat room, shopping mall, workplace – and a range of literature interrogates the practices of literacy in each of these, and other places. We can, for example, refer to Marsh (2006, 2007), Davies (2007), Alvermann (1999, 2002), Street (2003) and Dowdall (2006) for explorations of the out‐of‐school literacies of young children and adolescents. We can draw upon Gregory (2004), Auerbach (1989, 1995) and Purcell‐Gates (2004) in relation to family‐based literacy practices and diversity, while Scheeres (2002), Scheeres and Rhodes (2006), Wickert (2004) and Gee, Hull and Lankshear (1996) among others have interrogated the practices of literacy in workplaces and in relation to changing labour markets and adult literacy.…”