Fibularis brevis grafts have been extensively used, especially as distally-based grafts, to cover defects in the lower leg and foot. The study has contributed to analyze the blood supply of the fibularis brevis muscle and the vascular basis of its possible different grafts. Both legs of twelve preserved cadavers, without congenital vascular anomalies, were utilized in the study. Fibularis brevis was exposed in all selected legs along with the verification of different arterial pedicles. The total means and standard deviations of the length and width of the muscle together with diameters of major vessels were calculated. Total length and width of middle portion of fibularis brevis were at means of 28.7±0.4 cm and 3±0.02 cm respectively. The upper and middle portions of the muscle were supplied by the fibular and the anterior tibial artery. The middle portion was supplemented by the upper perforating branch of the posterior tibial artery. The lower portion of the muscle was supplied by the lower perforating branch of the posterior tibial and the periosteal arteries. The muscle could be used as a proximally or distally based flap, free vascularized muscle graft, free vascularized osteo-muscular flap, and distally-based split flap. It can be split completely into two flaps; each of which can be used as a proximally or distally.