Let (X, d) be a compact metric space and let M(X) denote the space of all nite signed Borel measures on X. Dene I : M(X) → R by I(μ) = X X d(x, y) dμ(x)dμ(y), and set M (X) = sup I(μ), where μ ranges over the collection of measures in M(X) of total mass 1. The space (X, d) is quasihypermetric if I(μ) 0 for all measures μ in M(X) of total mass 0 and is strictly quasihypermetric if in addition the equality I(μ) = 0 holds amongst measures μ of mass 0 only for the zero measure.This paper explores the constant M (X) and other geometric aspects of X in the case when the space X is nite, focusing rst on the signicance of the maximal strictly quasihypermetric subspaces of a given nite quasihypermetric space and second on the class of nite metric spaces which are L 1 -embeddable.While most of the results are for nite spaces, several apply also in the general compact case. The analysis builds upon earlier more general work of the authors [11] [13].