The more members a team has, the more information needs to be shared with single team members or within the whole team. Sufficient information sharing is difficult to ensure, since a project leader will not be fully aware of all ongoing information and communication within the team. In software engineering, information flow is essential for project success. In each part of the process, information like requirements or design decisions needs to be communicated with appropriate persons. Neither missing nor wrong implemented requirements are desirable, since extra working hours or incomplete working results need to be paid. Therefore, the right amount of information sharing is highly desirable. To ensure this, communication is a mandatory requisite. Furthermore, knowing about social conflicts is suitable, since these influence the information flow. In an experiment with 34 student software projects, we collected data referring to internal team communication and mood. In these projects, we could show a correlation between chosen communication channels, social conflicts and mood. Since social conflicts foster an insufficient information flow, knowing about these helps software developing teams to reach higher quality and a higher customer satisfaction. motivated by the importance of information sharing within the project team, communication has been proven to be a determinant of project success [19]. In software developing teams, wrong or insufficiently transmitted requirements often cause wrong or not implemented parts of the software [27]. Therefore, insufficient communication can threaten project success. Otherwise, adequate communication can foster project success. Hence, a good working communication is desirable for all project members: The developer team that does not want to spend time on implementing unnecessary program code, the project leader who wants to complete the tasks, and lastly the customer who wants a successful project. But not only requirements need to be shared within the team. Also design decisions, customized standards, reports about bugs and many other information need to be transported to the relevant persons. As Stapel [30] pointed out, not only the intensity of communication, but also the chosen communication channel is important for transmitting the desired information. In the "Modes of Communication", Cockburn [5] rated different kind of communication channels by their effectiveness and richness. Among other characteristics like synchronicity, the perceptions addressed by the media channels are one factor for the grading. For example, meetings with face to face communication-in physical support with a white board-are the most effective way to communicate [1][5]. As teams often do not have the opportunity to meet regularly and since meetings often do not suffice for conveying the entire information at hand, other ways of information sharing need to be used. In practice, common alternatives are services like email, video chat, telephone or group and single chat. Schneider et al. [26] develo...