We investigate the inÑuence of the inner proÐle of lens objects on gravitational lens statistics, taking into account the e †ect of magniÐcation bias and both the evolution and the scatter of halo proÐles. We take the dark halos as the lens objects and consider the following three models for the density proÐle of dark halos : the SIS (singular isothermal sphere) proÐle, the NFW (Navarro-Frenk-White) proÐle, and the generalized NFW proÐle, which has a di †erent slope at smaller radii. The mass function of dark halos is assumed to be given by the Press-Schechter function. We Ðnd that magniÐcation bias for the NFW proÐle is an order of magnitude larger than that for SIS. We estimate the sensitivity of the lensing probability of distant sources to the inner proÐle of lenses and to the cosmological parameters. It turns out that the lensing probability is strongly dependent on the inner density proÐle as well as on the cosmological constant. We compare the predictions with the largest observational sample, the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey. The absence or presence of large splitting events in larger surveys currently underway, such as the Two Degree Field system survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, could set constraints on the inner density proÐle of dark halos.