We investigate the correlations between any number of arbitrarily far-apart regions of the vacuum of the free Klein-Gordon field by means of its finite duration coupling to an equal number of localized detectors. We show that the correlations between any N such regions enable us to distill an N -partite W state, and therefore exhibit true N -fold entanglement. Furthermore, we show that for N = 3, the correlations cannot be reproduced by a hybrid local-nonlocal hidden-variable model. For N ≥ 4 the issue remains open.In a recent paper [1], the nature of the correlations between two arbitrarily far-apart regions of the ground state of the free Klein-Gordon field was investigated by means of its finite duration coupling to a pair of localized detectors. It was shown that a local hidden-variable model cannot account for these correlations [1,2], and that as a function of the separation between the regions, L, and the duration of the coupling, T , the entanglement decreases at a slower rate than e −(L/cT ) 3 . It is, therefore, natural to ask whether the vacuum admits other types of these kinds of correlations, i.e. true many-region entanglement [3], and full nonlocality [4]. In this paper we will answer the first question affirmatively for any number of arbitrarily far-apart regions of the vacuum, N , while to the second question we will only be able to provide a positive answer for the case N = 3. We will follow the method developed in previous papers [1,5], and begin by investigating in detail the three-region case. We will then use results thus obtained to study the correlations between any number of regions.Our method consists of the finite duration coupling of the field we wish to investigate to any number of localized nonentangled detectors, such that all the detectors remain causally disconnected from one another throughout the interaction. Once the interaction is over, we trace over the field degrees of freedom to obtain the detectors' reduced density matrix. The crux of the method lies in the fact that since the detectors are initially nonentangled, any nonlocal correlations exhibited by the detectors' final reduced density matrix must have their origin in corresponding vacuum correlations. This enables us to apply recently developed tools from the field of quantum information theory to study the structure of the vacuum.Before we begin, let us first give the definitions of true multi-fold entanglement and full nonlocality. A multipartite mixed state is said to be truly multi-fold entangled iff it cannot be expressed as a convex sum of decomposable terms. In the tri-partite case this just means that the state cannot be written as a convex sum of terms of the form ρ i ⊗ ρ jk , where the subscripts denote any of the three subsystems. Examples of truly tri-fold entangled states are the GHZ [6] and W [7] states. Analogously, we can also distinguish between different types of nonlocality. A multi-partite state is fully nonlocal if there does not exist a decomposable hidden-variable dependent probability function t...