Neural inhibition within the thalamus is integral in shaping thalamocortical oscillatory activity. Fast, synaptic inhibition is primarily mediated by activation of heteropentameric GABAA receptor complexes. Here, we examined the synaptic physiology and network properties of mice lacking GABA A receptor ␣3, a subunit that in thalamus is uniquely expressed by inhibitory neurons of the reticular nucleus (nRT). Deletion of this subunit produced a powerful compensatory gain in inhibitory postsynaptic response in nRT neurons. Although, other forms of inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission in the circuit were unchanged, evoked thalamic oscillations were strongly dampened in ␣3 knockout mice. Furthermore, pharmacologically induced thalamocortical absence seizures displayed a reduction in length and power in ␣3 knockout mice. These studies highlight the role of GABAergic inhibitory strength within nRT in the maintenance of thalamic oscillations, and demonstrate that inhibitory intra-nRT synapses are a critical control point for regulating higher order thalamocortical network activity.benzodiazepine ͉ epilepsy ͉ inhibition ͉ knockout N eural networks within the thalamocortical system are capable of generating rhythmic activity. These oscillations are correlative to normal behaviors, such as 7-14 Hz spindles displayed during sleep, but can be hallmarks of neurological disorders, such as the bilateral and hypersynchronous 3 Hz spike and wave discharge (SWD) produced during absence epileptic seizures (1, 2). The cellular and molecular basis for both normal and pathological thalamic oscillations has been extensively studied, and demonstrated to rely upon the balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs between populations of reciprocally interconnected neurons (3). The thalamic reticular nucleus (nRT) contains GABAergic neurons that surround and innervate the dorsal thalamus, providing synaptic inhibition onto excitatory thalamocortical relay neurons (TC) (4). The firing of nRT neurons produces IPSPs on TC neurons, and this hyperpolarization deinactivates low threshold T-Type calcium channels and evokes TC rebound bursting (5). TC neurons, in turn, project collaterals back to the nRT, and reexcite nRT neurons leading to intrathalamic oscillations that integrate with and sustain thalamocortical network oscillations.An integral component of thalamocortical circuitry is fast inhibition, primarily mediated by activation of postsynaptic GABA A receptors (GABA A Rs). These receptors are heteropentameric ligand-gated chloride channels formed from an array of 16 identified subunits (␣1-6, 1-3, ␥1-3, ␦, , , and ) (6). At synapses, GABA A Rs likely contain 2␣'s: 2's: 1␥, and inclusion of different subunits into the pentamer can confer unique biophysical and pharmacological properties, including: conductance, gating, affinity, and sensitivity to allosteric modulators (7). Immunohistochemical localization studies have shown that the thalamus displays nucleus-specific differences in GABA A R subunits (8, 9). Neurons in the nRT p...