Objective: To estimate associations between all five types of child maltreatment (emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and exposure to domestic violence) and health risk behaviours and conditions. Design, setting, participants: Nationally representative survey of Australian residents aged 16 years and older conducted by computer-assisted telephone interviewing.Main outcome measures: Associations between child maltreatment and the following health risk behaviours and conditions: current smoker, binge drinking (at least weekly in past 12 months), cannabis dependence (according to the Cannabis Severity of Dependence Scale), obesity (based on body mass index), selfharm in past 12 months, and suicide attempt in past 12 months.Open access: Open access publishing facilitated by Curtin University, as part of the Wiley -Curtin University agreement via the Council of Australian University Librarians.
Agency roles:The NHMRC funded the ACMS. The Australian Government and the Australian Institute of Criminology provided supplementary funding for several specific questions. The researchers were independent from the funders.