Plant Phys i ol ogy De part ment, In sti tute of Plant Bi ol ogy, Wrocław Uni ver sity,
Ab stractPlant cal cium pumps, sim i larly to an i mal Ca 2+ pumps, be long to the superfamily of P-type ATPases com pris ing also the plasma mem brane H + -ATPase of fungi and plants, Na + /K + ATPase of an i mals and H + /K + ATPase of mam ma lian gas tric mu cosa. Ac cord ing to their sen si tiv ity to calmodulin the plant Ca 2+ -ATPases have been di vided into two sub groups: type IIA (homo logues of an i mal SERCA) and type IIB (homo logues of an i mal PMCA). Re gard less of the sim i lar i ties in a pro tein sequence, the plant Ca 2+ pumps dif fer from those in an i mals in their cel lu lar lo cal iza tion, struc ture and sen si tiv ity to in hib itors. Genomic in ves ti ga tions re vealed mul ti plic ity of plant Ca 2+ -ATPases; they are pres ent not only in the plasma membranes and ER but also in mem branes of most of the cell compart ments, such as vac u ole, plas tids, nu cleus or Golgi ap pa ratus. Stud ies us ing yeast mu tants made pos si ble the func tional and bio chem i cal char ac ter iza tion of in di vid ual plant Ca 2+ --ATPases. Plant cal cium pumps play an es sen tial role in sig nal transduction path ways, they are re spon si ble for the reg u la tion of [Ca 2+ ] in both cy to plasm and endomembrane com partments. These Ca 2+ -ATPases ap pear to be in volved in plant ada p ta tion to stress con di tions, like sa lin ity, chill ing or an oxia.
List of ab bre vi a tions:ACA, autoinhibited Ca 2+ -ATPase; CaM, calmodulin; CDPK, Ca 2+ -de pend ent pro tein kinase; CPA, cyclopiazonic acid; [Ca 2+ ] cyt , cytosolic calcium con cen tra tion; EB, erythrosin B; ECA, ER-type Ca 2+ -ATPase; ER, endoplasmic re tic ulum; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; NE, nu clear en ve lope; PKC, pro tein kinase C; PLN, phospholamban; PM, plasma mem brane; PMCA, plasma mem brane Ca 2+ -ATPase; P-type ATPase, ATPase form ing phosphoenzyme; SER, sarcoplasmic/ /endoplasmic re tic u lum; SERCA, sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic re tic u lum Ca 2+ -ATPase; TG, thapsigargin
In tro duc tionThe cru cial func tion of cal cium ions in the reg u la tion of me tab o lism and de vel op ment of eukaryotic or ganisms is well es tab lished. Ca 2+ is re quired for the protein sort ing in se cre tory sys tem as well as for pro tein sta bil ity and ac tiv ity (Hong et al. 1999). Espe cially its role as a sec ond messenger cou pling extracellular stim uli to the spe cific cell re sponses is widely recog nized. In the cytosol of plant cells, Ca 2+ con centra tion is main tained at the submicro molar lev els, 0.2-0.6 µmol·dm -3 (Hwang et al. 1997). Many abiotic and bi otic stim uli in clud ing sa lin ity, cold, drought, light, touch, plant hor mones, fun gal elicitors or nodulation fac tors may cause the transient in crease in cy to plas mic Ca 2+ (Knight et al. 1997, Olbe et al. 1997, Sanders et al. 2002. Changes in [Ca 2+ ] cyt arise from Ca 2+ en try into cyto plasm through cal cium chan nels pres ent in both the plasma mem brane and intracellular mem brane...