This investigation on frozen seafood brand's personality helps to understand how different variables influence brand loyalty. The research results will contribute to the theory of brand loyalty through understanding the meaning of the factors of brand personality that affect consumer loyalty to the brand. A final sample of 397 observations in Ho Chi Minh City was established. Reliability tests and Exploratory Factor Analysis suggest a model established the impact of brand personality on brand loyalty, basing on five factors of Utility, Creditability, Excitement, Competency, and Sophistication. Regression analysis provides that that Utility, Creditability, Excitement, Competency all have significant impact on brand loyalty. The study offers recommendations to managers of seafood companies, to policy makers in the fields related to seafood sector, to administrators at various level in Ho Chi Minh City, and to customers at supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City. Citation: Nguyen, Thuy TT, Thanh Q (2016) An Analysis of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty in Frozen Seafood Supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City. J Aquac Res Development. 7: 412. doi:10.4172/2155-9546.1000412 Page 2 of 8
An Analysis of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty in Frozen SeafoodVolume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000412 J Aquac Res Development ISSN: 2155-9546 JARD, an open access journal is used to examine the self. Self-report personality is the perception (consciousness) of the individual himself and it is important in understanding the construction of this individual's self-identity. In relation to the examination of the concept of consumption used-toconstruct-self identities, the metaphors -brand personality and brand relationship -are used to associate with consumer brand loyalty. Aaker [4] measures identified five dimensions of brand personality: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness.In the model, brand personality, following Aaker [4], was characterized by five factors such as sincerity, excitement, competency, ruggedness and sophistication. Customer brand loyalty as dependent variable in a linear regression model that was used to study the significance of each of five brand personality variables. Detailed components of each factors of band personality are listed in (Table 1). Jacoby and Chestnut [18] provided a conceptual definition of brand loyalty as: (1) biased (i.e. non-random), (2) behavioral response (i.e. purchase), (3) expressed over time, (4) by some decision-making unit, (5) with respect to one or more brands out of a set of such brands, and is a function of psychological (decision-making evaluate) processes. Brand loyalty can be operationalised either based on behavioral, attitudinal or composite approach [18]. Behavioral loyalty has been considered as repeat purchases frequency e.g. Brown [19] or proportion of purchase e.g. Cunningham [20], while attitudinal brand loyalty referred to 'stated preferences, commitment or purchase intentions of the customers'. Brand loyalty is measured by 8 components, which have bee...