Iridium complexes of Cp* and mesoionic carbene ligands were synthesized and evaluated as potential water oxidation catalysts using cerium ammonium nitrate as a chemical oxidant. Performance was evaluated by turnover frequency at 50% conversion and by absolute turnover number, and the most promising precatalysts were subjected to further study. Molecular turnover frequencies varied from 190 to 451 per hour with a maximum turnover number of 38,000. While the rate of oxygen evolution depends linearly on iridium concentration, 10 concurrent spectroscopic and manometric monitoring of stoichiometric additions of oxidant suggests oxygen evolution occurs as two sequential first order reactions. Under the conditions herein, the oxygen evolving species appears to be well defined and molecular based on the kinetic effects of careful ligand design, reproducibility, and the absence of persistent dynamic light scattering signals. Outside of these conditions, the complex mechanism is highly dependent on reaction conditions. While confident characterization of the catalytically active species is difficult, especially under high-turnover conditions, this work indicates IrOx is not essential for the 15 formation of catalytically active water oxidation species.