Simple methods are presented allowing the determination of the magnetic anisotropy axes of a crystal of a single-molecule magnet (SMM). These methods are used to determine an upper bound of the easy axis tilts in a standard Mn12−Ac crystal. The values obtained in the present study are significately smaller than those reported in recent high frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (HF-EPR) studies which suggest distributions of hard-axes tilts.PACS numbers: 75.45.+j, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.Xx Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) are among the smallest nanomagnets that exhibit magnetization hysteresis, a classical property of macroscopic magnets [1,2,3,4,5]. They straddle the interface between classical and quantum mechanical behavior because they also display quantum tunneling of magnetization [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] and quantum phase interference [15,16]. These molecules comprise several magnetic ions, whose spins are coupled by strong exchange interactions to give a large effective spin. The molecules are regularly assembled within large crystals, with all the molecules often having the same orientation. Hence, macroscopic measurements can give direct access to single molecule properties.An important tool to tune the quantum properties is the application of transverse fields. In particular, the tunnel splitting can be tuned by a transverse field via the S x H x and S y H y Zeeman terms of the spin Hamiltonian [15,16]. Therefore, in order to study the tunnel dynamics in SMMs, a precise alignment of the field directions is necessary.In this communication, we present three simple methods to align the magnetic field that we have used for all our published micro-SQUID and micro-Hall probe measurements. Applied to the standard Mn 12 −Ac SMM, these methods have allowed us to estimate an upper bound of the distribution of easy axes. We found values that are significately smaller than those of recent high frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (HF-EPR) studies [17,18,19] which suggest distributions of hardaxes tilts with widths of 1.7• and 1.3• for standard and deuterated Mn 12 −Ac single-molecule magnets. A distribution of internal transverse magnetic fields was also suggested for the Mn 12 −BrAc SMM with hard-axes tilts of 7.3• [20]. All measurements were performed using a 2D electron gas micro-Hall probe. The high sensitivity allows the study of single crystals of SMMs on the order of 10 to 500 µm. The sample of the present study was 20 × 6 × 5 µm 3 . The field can be applied in any direction by separately driving three orthogonal coils. In this study, the fields were rotated in a plane given by the a− and c−axes of a single crystal of Mn 12 −Ac. The crystal was attached to the Hall probe so that it measured mainly the magnetization along the c−axis of the crystal.The first method to find the easy axis of magnetization consists in measuring hysteresis loops as a function of the angle of the applied field. Typical results for angles close to the easy axis of magnetization are presented in Fig. 1a showing faster relaxation...