The 53 Mn-53 Cr decay system, in which 53 Mn decays to 53 Cr (t 1/2 = 3.7 Ma) has been widely used to construct 53 Cr/ 52 Cr vs. 55 Mn/ 52 Cr isochrons and thus determine relative ages of early solar system objects or events, assuming that the initial Cr isotopic ratio, ( 53 Cr/ 52 Cr) o , equals ( 53 Mn/ 52 Cr) o . With the primary objective of interpretation of these ages within a diffusion kinetic framework, we have determined the tracer diffusion coefficient of Cr in natural spinels, which are very close to the MgAl 2 O 4 end-member composition, as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity (f(O 2 )). It is found that the diffusion coefficient of Cr, D(Cr), in two stocks of spinels (referred to as cut-gems and gem-gravels) with very similar major element chemistry is consistently different, but the data in each stock yield well defined Arrhenius relations that show a difference of log D of 0.6-1.0, depending on temperature, with the D(Cr) in gem-gravel being higher than that in the cut-gem stock. The D(Cr) was found to have a positive dependence on f(O 2 ) in the range of f(O 2 ) of around ±2 log units relative to that of the wü stite-magnetite buffer. The difference in the D(Cr) between the two stocks and the observed D(Cr) vs. f(O 2 ) relation has been explained in terms of a change of point defect concentration resulting from heterovalent substitution of trace elements and equilibration with the imposed f(O 2 ) conditions, respectively. Assuming a homogeneous semi-infinite matrix, the closure temperature (T c ) of Cr diffusion in spinel has been calculated as a function of grain size, cooling rate, peak temperature (T o ) and f(O 2 ). Also the dependence of D(Cr) and T c (Cr) on the Cr# (i.e. Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio) has been accounted for using available D(Cr) vs. Cr# data in Suzuki et al. (2008). We argue, on the basis of crystal chemical considerations and available diffusion kinetic data for minerals, that the T c for Mn should be much lower than that for Cr in spinel, olivine and orthopyroxene, and discuss the potential implications of the anticipated disparity between T c (Cr) and T c (Mn) for the estimation of the ( 53 Mn/ 55 Mn) o ratio from an internal isochron defined by these minerals. Finally, we discuss the problem of determining the T c for an internal isochron in relation to the individual T c (Cr) for spinel, olivine and orthopyroxene.