Recently, full duplex (FD) has been attracting great attention, due to its capability to double the spectral efficiency. In this paper, we focus on a FD wireless communication network, in which a FD base station (BS) and a half duplex (HD) mobile station (MS) exchange their information via a HD relay station (RS) within two phases. An amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying scheme and a decode-and-forward (DF) relaying scheme are proposed for the two-way relay network. In the proposed DF relaying scheme, the RS chooses the best DF relaying mode according to channel state information (CSI) to achieve the maximum capacity. Specifically, the RS can decode and forward data streams from both the BS and MS, or only one of them, or none of them, and thus obtaining a selection diversity gain. In order to analyze the performance of the proposed schemes, achievable rate regions and sum-capacities of the proposed schemes are derived in closed form. Numerical and simulation results show that the proposed relaying schemes provide significant capacity gain.