Clay‐rich rocks are integral to subduction zone dynamics and of practical importance, for example, as barriers in nuclear waste and CO2 repositories. While the effects of swelling strain on the self‐sealing capabilities of these rocks are relatively well‐established, the implications of polar fluids interacting with charged clay particles on the frictional behavior, and the role of swelling stress in initiating slip in critically stressed faults, remain ambiguous. To address these uncertainties, we conducted triaxial friction experiments using saw‐cut samples, with the upper half composed of Opalinus claystone (OPA) and the lower half of Berea sandstone (BER). The frictional strength of the non‐wetted OPA‐BER interface was estimated based on experiments at confining pressures of 4–25 MPa and constant axial loading rate (0.1 mm/min). Fluid injection friction experiments were performed using decane (non‐polar fluid) or deionized water (polar fluid) at 10 and 25 MPa confining pressures and constant piston displacement control. Macroscopic mechanical data were complemented by distributed strain sensing on the sample surface. Compared to decane, the frictional strength of the OPA‐BER interface tended to decrease when injecting water, which is attributed to phyllosilicate lubrication and the transition of the OPA from a solid rock to an incohesive mud near the saw‐cut surface. When injecting water, slip was initiated during initial hydration of the OPA‐BER interface, although the apparent stress state was below the yield stress. To explain this behavior, we propose that the swelling stress is a crucial factor that should be integrated into the effective stress model.