Coding and testing schemes and the corresponding achievable type-II error exponents are presented for binary hypothesis testing over two-hop relay networks. The schemes are based on cascade source coding techniques and unanimous decisionforwarding, the latter meaning that a terminal decides on the null hypothesis only if all previous terminals have decided on the null hypothesis. If the observations at the transmitter, the relay, and the receiver form a Markov chain in this order, then, without loss in performance, the proposed cascade source code can be replaced by two independent point-to-point source codes, one for each hop. The decoupled scheme (combined with decision-forwarding) is shown to attain the optimal type-II error exponents for various instances of "testing against conditional independence." The same decoupling is shown to be optimal also for some instances of "testing against independence," when the observations at the transmitter, the receiver, and the relay form a Markov chain in this order, and when the relay-to-receiver link is of sufficiently high rate. For completeness, the paper also presents an analysis of the Shimokawa-Han-Amari binning scheme for the point-to-point hypothesis testing setup.S. Salehkalaibar is with the In the second part of the manuscript, we focus on two cases: the first is where X n → Y n → Z n forms a Markov chain under both hypotheses, and the second is where X n → Z n → Y n forms a Markov chain under both hypotheses. The first case models an extreme situation where the relay lies in between the transmitter and the receiver, and thus the signals at the sensor and the receiver are conditionally independent given the signal at the relay. In such a situation, the two-hop network models, for example, short-range wireless communication where the sensor's signal only reaches the relay but not the more distant receiver. The second case models a situation where the receiver lies in between the sensor and the relay, and thus the signals at the transmitter and the relay are conditionally independent given the signal at the receiver. In such a situation, the two-hop network models, for example, communication in a cellular system where the relay is a powerful base station and all communication goes through this base station.We show that, in the first case where X n → Y n → Z n , our schemes simplify considerably in the sense that the source coding scheme for the two-hop relay network decouples into two independent point-to-point source coding schemes. In other words, it suffices to send quantization information about X n from the transmitter to the relay and, independently thereof, to send quantization information about Y n from the relay to the receiver (while also employing unanimous decision-forwarding) This contrasts the general scheme where the relay combines the quantization information about X n with its own observation Y n to create some kind of jointly processed quantization information to send to the receiver. The receiver error exponent achieved by the simplified scheme...