Any system that has the capability to diagnose and recover from faults is considered to be a fault-tolerant system. Additionally, the quality of the incorporated fault-tolerance has a direct impact on the overall performance of the system. Hence, being able to measure the extent and usefulness of faulttolerance exhibited by the system would provide the designer with a useful analysis tool for better understanding the system as a whole. Unfortunately, it is difficult to quantify system fault-tolerance on its own for intelligent systems. A more useful metric for evaluation is the "effectiveness" [6] measure of faulttolerance. The influence of fault-tolerance towards improving overall performance determines the overall effectiveness or quality of the system. In this paper, we outline applicationindependent metrics to measure fault-tolerance within the context of system performance. In addition, we also outline potential methods to better interpret the obtained measures towards understanding the capabilities of the implemented system. Furthermore, a main focus of our approach is to capture the effect of intelligence, reasoning, or learning on the effective fault-tolerance of the system, rather than relying purely on traditional redundancy based measures. We show the utility of the designed metrics by applying them to different fault-tolerance architectures implemented for multiple complex heterogeneous multi-robot team applications and comparing system performance. Finally, we contrast the developed metrics with the only other existing method (HWB method [6]) for evaluating (that we are aware of) effective fault-tolerance for multi-robot teams and rate them in terms of their capability to best interpret the workings of the implemented systems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first metric that attempts to evaluate the quality of learning towards understanding system level fault-tolerance.