The cost of data transfers, and in particular of I/O operations, is a growing problem in parallel computing. This performance bottleneck is especially severe for data-intensive a p p l ications such a s m ultimedia information systems, databases, and Grand Challenge problems. A promising approach to alleviating this bottleneck i s t o s c hedule parallel I/O operations explicitly.Although centralized algorithms for batch s c heduling of parallel I/O operations have previously been developed, they are not be appropriate for all applications and architectures. We develop a class of decentralized algorithms for scheduling parallel I/O operations, where the objective is to reduce the time required to complete a given set of transfers. These algorithms, based on edge-coloring and matching of bipartite graphs, rely upon simple heuristics to obtain shorter schedules. We present s i m ulation results indicating that the best of our algorithms can produce schedules whose length is within 2 -20% of the optimal schedule, a substantial improvement on previous decentralized algorithms. We discuss theoretical and experimental work in progress and possible extensions.