“…47 Distributed coding [5], which involves joint coding design 48 between the source node (SN) and relay nodes (RNs), is one of 49 the promising coding techniques conceived for approaching the 50 achievable capacity of the relay channel with the aid of itera-51 tive detection at the destination node (DN). More specifically, 52 distributed turbo codes [6]- [9], distributed low-density parity-53 check codes [10]- [12], distributed turbo trellis coded modula-54 tion [13], distributed space-time codes [14]- [17], distributed 55 self-concatenated convolutional codes [18], distributed rateless 56 codes [19], and distributed soft coding [20] have been proposed 57 for cooperative communications. Furthermore, selecting benefi- 58 cial RNs that exhibit high-quality source-to-relay and relay-to-59 destination links is capable of significantly reducing the overall 60 transmission power of the relay network [21], [22].…”