The hottest transitions occur in the summer, as we notice during this period the peak of electricity consumption in Adrar, where the electricity network must use all kinds of energy, especially the wind energy produced by Cabertein wind farm. We evaluated the effect of temperature and wind distribution on the energy produced by one of Gamesa G52 wind turbines, and this was done by studying the wind distribution and determining the number of hours per year according to five cases. Finally, to estimate the monthly produced energy, we used a logical temperature equation, and then we determined the seasonal and annual energy. Low winds are the only reason why wind turbines are unable to produce electricity for a monthly period ranging from 152 An hour (May) to 274 hours (September), meaning that the seasonal production stop, for this reason, ranges between 590 hours (spring) and 779 hours (summer), with an average of 2736 hours per year, while temperatures did not constitute an obstacle to electricity production except. In three months for a short period of 2 hours (June and July) and 22 hours (August), affecting production in the summer season, with an estimated time of 26 hours.