With more than 460 RHD alleles, this gene is the most complex and polymorphic among all blood group systems. The Tunisian population has the largest known prevalence of weak D type 4.0 alleles, occurring in 1 of 105 RH haplotypes. We aimed to establish a rationale for the transfusion strategy of weak D type 4.0 in Tunisia.
Study design and methods
Donors were randomly screened for the serological weak D phenotype. The RHD coding sequence and parts of the introns were sequenced. To establish the RH haplotype, the RHCE gene was tested for characteristic single nucleotide positions.
We determined all RHD alleles and the RH haplotypes coding for the serologic weak D phenotype among 13,431 Tunisian donations. A serologic weak D phenotype was found in 67 individuals (0.50%). Among them, 60 carried a weak D type 4 allele: 53 weak D type 4.0, 6 weak D type 4.2.2 (DAR), and 1 weak D type 4.1. Another 4 donors had 1 variant allele each: DVII, weak D type 1, weak D type 3, and weak D type 100, while 3 donors showed a normal RHD sequence. The weak D type 4.0 was most often linked to RHCE*ceVS.04.01, weak D type 4.2.2 to RHCE*ceAR, and weak D type 4.1 to RHCE*ceVS.02, while the other RHD alleles were linked to one of the common RHCE alleles.
Among the weak D phenotypes in Tunisia, no novel RHD allele was found and almost 90% were caused by alleles of the weak D type 4 cluster, of which 88% represented the weak D type 4.0 allele. Based on established RH haplotypes for variant RHD and RHCE alleles and the lack of adverse clinical reports, we recommend D positive transfusions for patients with weak D type 4.0 in Tunisia.