Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are ubiquitous components of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool of all oceanic, neritic, estuarine, and freshwater habitats studied to date. A new method for the quantitative determination ofdissolved nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in water and scdimcnt samples was developed, evaluated, and utilized in a study of various marine and freshwater ecosystems. Under appropriate reaction conditions, dissolved DNA (D-DNA) and dissolved RNA (D-RNA) are efficiently removed from solution with the addition of cctyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and subsequent formation of insoluble CTA-nucleic acid salts. The insoluble salts are collected, by filtration, onto glass-fiber filters and analyzed for DNA and RNA with fluorometric and calorimetric procedures, respectively. The pcrformancc of this CTAB method is simple, reliable, and reproducible for measuring dissolved nucleic acids in natural aquatic environments. For the ecosystems investigated hcrcin, D-DNA and D-RNA concentrations ranged from 0.56 to 88 pg liter-' and 4.03 to 871 pg liter I; the ratio of D-RNA to D-DNA ranged from 4.1 to 11.5.In most aquatic environments, the organic carbon inventory is dominated by nonliving materials, present both in dissolved and particulate states. This nonliving, or detrital carbon is derived from nonpredatory losses of organic matter at all trophic levels (e.g. egestion, excretion, secretion, etc.) and from allochthonous sources (Wetzel et al. 1972). Detrital carbon food webs, initiated by the activities of heterotrophic bacteria (Pomeroy 1974), provide a mechanism for the utilization of the chemical energy contained in the nonliving carbon pool. The potential importance of this putative "microbial loop" carbon flux pathway has focused attention on studies of the concentration, molecular composition, and cycling rates of dissolved organic matter (DOM; Azam et al. 1983).