In recent years, Asclepias syriaca, a invasive neophyte, has spread aggressively in intensively farmed agricultural landscape in the Central Slovakia. In 2011, it had colonized the area of 100 654 m 2 in abandonment vineyards and permanent grasslands in the district of Veľký Krtíš (South Slovakia). We found the infiltration of these plants into the stands of Triticum aestivum and Helianthus annuus. No management measures were taken. In contrast, the second studied invasive plant Fallopia japonica had occupied area lower by 93 % (7276 m 2 ), but spread across higher number of sites (19) on the banks of the brooks and along the roads. Regulated populations accounted for only 11% of the total area occupied by F. japonica. Low correlation dependence was found between the size of the area and population density of A. syriaca (r = 0.50) and F. japonica (r = 0.56). . Šírenie druhu sme zaznamenali pozdĺž cestných komunikácií (59,8 %) a pozdĺž obidvoch brehov potoka Krtíš (40,2 %). Regulované populácie tvorili iba 11 % z celkovej plochy obsadenej pohánkovcom japonským. Nízka korelačná závislosť bola zistená medzi plochou a hustotou jedincov A. syriaca (r = 0,50) a F. japonica (r = 0,56). Predpokladáme ďalšie šírenie obidvoch druhov neofytov, najmä prenikanie glejovky americkej do poľných kultúr.