Relational classification on a single connected network has been of particular interest in the machine learning and data mining communities in the last decade or so. This is mainly due to the explosion in popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ amongst others. In statistical relational learning, many techniques have been developed to address this problem, where we have a connected unweighted homogeneous/heterogeneous graph that is partially labeled and the goal is to propagate the labels to the unlabeled nodes. In this paper, we provide a different perspective by enabling the effective use of graph transduction techniques for this problem. We thus exploit the strengths of this class of methods for relational learning problems. We accomplish this by providing a simple procedure for constructing a weight matrix that serves as input to a rich class of graph transduction techniques. Our procedure has multiple desirable properties. For example, the weights it assigns to edges between unlabeled nodes naturally relate to a measure of association commonly used in statistics, namely the Gamma test statistic. We further portray the efficacy of our approach on synthetic as well as real data, by comparing it with state-of-the-art relational learning algorithms, and graph transduction techniques with an adjacency matrix or a real valued weight matrix computed using available attributes as input. In these experiments we see that our approach consistently outperforms other approaches when the graph is sparsely labeled, and remains competitive with the best when the proportion of known labels increases.