“…Alaskan sediments Colony hybridization with alkB 39% of viable heterotrophs from uncontaminated soil contain alkB gene probe 67% of viable heterotrophs from contaminated soil contain alkB [97] Contaminated soil PCR followed by Southern blot Detection and quantification of alkB (and other genes) in soil: 1-10 with alkB gene probe gene copies per gram of soil can be detected [98 Variety of cold ecosystems PCR, and Southern blots None of the psychrophilic alkane degraders possess genes with alkB gene probe with high homology to P. putida alkB [99] Fuel oil-contaminated site Dot-blots DNA extracted from soil shows no significant hybridization with an alkB-gene probe [100] Shallow aquifer Southern blots 10-20% of the total bacterial community hybridizes with alkB gene probe with an alkB gene probe [101] Various sources PCR with highly degenerate Most alkane-degrading strains contain distantly related alkB homologs (54 bacterial strains) primers for alkB homologs (homology not sufficient for Southern or dot-blots) [50] Shallow aquifer Dot-blots with DNA extracted alkB genotypes start at 11% of total community, and peak at (natural attenuation site) from aquifer samples 52% after injection of synthetic jet fuel in the aquifer [102] Various sources Southern, colony and dot-blots, alkB genes (close homologs) are widespread only in short-chain n-alkane (54 bacterial strains) PCR followed by Southern degrading pseudomonads [76] Rhizosphere vs. bulk soil Multiplex PCR At a contaminated site alkB was 10 times more prevalent in the endophytic community compared to the bulk soil community [103] Propane and butaneDot-blots 8 of 15 strains (including pseudomonads and rhodococci) utilizing bacteria gave a strong signal, and 7 a weak signal with the IMT37 gene [37] Land treatment unit (LTU) PCR, terminal restriction alkB increased in abundance during the first 3 weeks of LTU operation, fragment length polymorphism and comprised > 80% of the total PCR products [104] Arctic and Antarctic soil PCR-hybridization Rhodococcal alkB genes occur in contaminated and pristine soils, and colony hybridization P. putida alkB occurs more frequently in contaminated soils [105] similar genes in other butane degraders (pseudomonads, rhodococci and unidentified bacteria). In a dot-blot experiment, 8 out of 15 propane or butane-degrading bacteria gave a strong signal with the gene-probe, while the remaining 7 gave a weak but detectable signal [37].…”