Given an integer q ≥ 2, a q-normal number is an irrational number η such that any preassigned sequence of digits occurs in the q-ary expansion of η at the expected frequency, namely 1/q . In a recent paper we constructed a large family of normal numbers, showing in particular that, if P(n) stands for the largest prime factor of n, then the number 0.P(2)P(3)P(4) . . . , the concatenation of the numbers P(2), P(3), P(4), . . . , each represented in base q, is a q-normal number, thereby answering in the affirmative a question raised by Igor Shparlinski. We also showed that 0.P(2 + 1)P(3 + 1)P(5 + 1) . . . P(p + 1) . . . , where p runs through the sequence of primes, is a q-normal number. Here, we show that, given any fixed integer k ≥ 2, the numbers 0.P k (2)P k (3)P k (4) . . . and 0.P k (2 + 1)P k (3 + 1)P k (5 + 1) . . . P k (p + 1) . . . , where P k (n) stands for the kth largest prime factor of n, are q-normal numbers. These results are part of more general statements.2010 Mathematics subject classification: primary 11K16; secondary 11N37, 11A41.