Dalgliesh, Toh & Work (1952) have shown that two substances are responsible for the 'enteramine activity' produced on the rat's atropinized colon by acetone extracts of gastro-intestinal mucosa. The substance responsible for the main part of activity was identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine; the other principle has not been isolated but appeared to be another related indole derivative. This identification of 5-hydroxytryptamine in gastro-intestinal mucosal extracts confirms a suggestion made by Erspamer that the enteramine activity of such extracts and of those of the posterior salivary glands of octopus and of skin of amphibia are due to the same active principle. This was isolated from the latter sources and identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine (Erspamer & Asero, 1951, 1952. 5-Hydroxytryptamine has also been isolated from ox serum under the name of serotonin (Rapport, 1949).The present paper deals with the assay of extracts containing 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P and the distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the gastro-intestinal wall.The atropinized rat's colon provided a sensitive preparation for assaying tissue extracts for 5-hydroxytryptamine in the presence of acetylcholine, histamine and substance P. The guinea-pig's ileum under atropine and mepyramine contracted to 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P, but could be rendered insensitive to 5-hydroxytryptamine by tryptamine (Gaddum, 1952); it could then be used for the assay of substance P in the presence of 5-hydroxytryptamine. * Singapore, Colonial Development and Welfare Scholar.
METHODSThe rat's colon and the guinea-pig's ileum were suspended in 18 ml. baths. In order to reduce spontaneous activity of the rat's colon, the Ca++ content of the bath fluid was reduced and its temperature kept at 22-24°C. The method has been described by Dalgliesh et al. (1952). The guinea-pig's ileum was suspended in 18 ml. Tyrode solution at 340 C and, to render the preparation insensitive to acetylcholine and histamine, 04 Fg atropine sulphate and 1 i&g mepyramine maleate were added to the bath fluid each time it was renewed. To render the preparation insensitive to 5-hydroxytryptamine, 200jug tryptamine hydrochloride were added to the bath and kept in it until the tryptamine contraction had passed off. Sometimes another 200eug were added after 2-3 min, to see if the preparation had become insensitive to the stimulating action of tryptamine itself or of 5-hydroxytryptamine. When this condition was attained, 200,ug tryptamine were added to the bath fluid each time it was renewed.A standard powder of substance P was prepared according to the method described by Euler (1942) with slight modification introduced by Dalgliesh et al. Substance P activity is expressed in mg of this standard preparation. The 5-hydroxytryptamine activity was assayed against a preparation of serotonin creatinine sulphate which was kindly supplied to us by Dr R. K. Richards of Abbott Laboratories. Only about 50% of the serotonin complex consists of the base...