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Nakanishi, MárcioPolipose nasal : caracterização da infiltração dos eosinófilos, mastócitos, miofibroblastos e células TGF-beta positivas em indivíduos com e sem asma / Márcio Nakanishi. iii Dedico esta tese à Patrícia, minha querida e amada esposa, que sempre esteve ao meu lado dedicando amor, incentivo e compreensão.Aos meus pais Riyozo e Hemiko, pelo exemplo de amor, sabedoria e dedicação.À querida e amada avó Sumino (in memorian) minha eterna gratidão por todos os ensinamentos, orientação e proteção.
Manuscript:Submit original copy and two duplicates along with a diskette containing the manuscript. Please label the diskette with the software version that was used to create it. Typed, double spaced (including references, legends, footnotes), unspecified length Originals only of all tables, figures, and illustrations. Glossy photos, slides, electronic/digital figures and original pen and ink drawings are acceptable. Copies are not acceptable. Include date of presentation at scientific meeting Author's telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address References in the text should be superscript numbers in order of appearance References with more than three authors should be presented as the first three authors followed by et al
Abstract:Beginning in 2002, the American Journal of Rhinology will require structured abstracts. The information in each abstract should be divided into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Please do not exceed 150 words.
Conflict of Interest:The American Journal of Rhinology requires all authors to acknowledge, on the title page of their manuscript, all funding sources that supported their work as well as all institutional or corporate affiliations of the authors. Authors are also required to disclose to the Editor, in a covering letter at the time of submission of their manuscript, any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest. These include consultant arrangements, stock or other equity ownership, patent licensing arrangements, or payments for conducting or publicizing the study. The disclosure will be held in strict confidence during the review process and will not influence any editorial decisions. However, if the paper is accepted for publication, the Editor will determine how any conflict of interest should be disclosed.