Solid radioactive wastes are disposed of by burial in pits excavated in rhyolite tuff at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL). Contaminant* in the waste include fission products, uranium, and tranturanic elements. In 1976, horizontal core holes were drilled beneath a waste disposal pit that was used from 1963 to 1966. Samples of the core were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, total uranium, "Sr,
1J7Cs, 2M Pu, "••»°Pu, and H1 Am. The measured gross alpha, gross beta, and uranium concentrations were above minimum detection limits; concentrations of the remaining radionuclides, all of which are man-made isotopes, were below the minimum detection limits. Statistical comparisons were made of the gross alpha, gross beta, and uranium data to identify any significant variations from natural concentrations in the tuff. The comparisons demonstrated that none of the radioactivity detected in the samples can be attributed to migration from the disposal pit.