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u FOREWORDThe formation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 ushered in the first decade of environmental awareness as a total national phenomenon. It was a decade punctuated by major Congressional mandates to restore the nation's waters, to reduce air pollution, and to find a comprehensive approach to other environmental problems-those associated with pesticide use, hazardous waste disposal and toxic substances. It was a decade underscored by the demand for new technology and better science to answer environmental questions and to solve environmental problems.As the scientific and technical arm of the Agency, The Office of Research and Development is responsible for advancing the state of knowledge about the environment such that critical issues and questions can be addressed and answered effectively, based on the application of state-of-the-art science and technology. In the years since 1970. The Office of Research and Development has produced manifold increases in the data base from which environmental decisions are made and in the sophistication of the understanding which has provided the basis for decisions. This volume represents our effort to take stock of scientific advances in research pertaining to the coastal environment since the inception of the Agency and to gauge what progress has been made and what remains to be accomplished. The essays in this volume present a range of perspectives on the subject, from the vantage points of the scientific and technical disciplines which have been carrying out relevant research. The points of view represented are varied and sometimes conflicting. But scientific progress depends on just such diversity. The authors at times have speculated about emerging problems and research needs. Such attempts require extrapolation based upon informed scientific judgment. The outcome of that process must, in the final analysis, be recognized as opinion and not fact.in PREFACE This publication is one of several monographs prepared to commemorate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's tenth anniversary. It is fortuitous but appropriate for the Agency to begin publication of a monograph on "The Impact of Man on the Coastal Environment" in 1980, which was officially designated by the President as "Year of the Coast." The Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970 by Executive Order to focus, within one agency, all regulatory-related pollution research conducted by the federal government. Such a mission includes research on the coastal environment, where human land-based activities often interface with productive coastal waters. In the context of this monograph, the coastal environment includes estuarine and marine waters.The purpose of the monograph is to provide scholarly discussions of some major coastal problems that were addressed during the past decade. The authors of these chapters were chosen because of their expertise in specific aspe...