From the generalized Riemann hypothesis for motivic L-functions, we derive an effective version of the Sato-Tate conjecture for an abelian variety A defined over a number field k with connected Sato-Tate group. By effective we mean that we give an upper bound on the error term in the count predicted by the Sato-Tate measure that only depends on certain invariants of A. We discuss three applications of this conditional result. First, for an abelian variety defined over k, we consider a variant of Linnik's problem for abelian varieties that asks for an upper bound on the least norm of a prime whose normalized Frobenius trace lies in a given interval. Second, for an elliptic curve defined over k with complex multiplication, we determine (up to multiplication by a nonzero constant) the asymptotic number of primes whose Frobenius trace attain the integral part of the Hasse-Weil bound. Third, for a pair of abelian varieties A and A ′ defined over k with no common factors up to k-isogeny, we find an upper bound on the least norm of a prime at which the respective Frobenius traces of A and A ′ have opposite sign.