A large amount of radionuclides was released into the atmosphere and directly discharged into the ocean as a consequence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. The possible actinides, especially plutonium contamination in the ocean from the nuclear accident, attracted general public and scientifi c concern. In this review, we summarize studies of the distribution of Pu isotopes in the marine sediments off Japan before and after the FDNPP accident to assess possible Pu contamination from the nuclear accident. Our results suggested that there was no detectable additional Pu injection from the FDNPP accident in the marine environment 30 km off the FDNPP 1 year after the accident. The detectable Pu isotopes originated from global fallout and the Pacifi c Proving Ground close-in fallout.
Keywords FDNPP • Marine sediments • Plutonium isotopes
IntroductionOn March 11, 2011, the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) was hit and damaged by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in the Northwest Pacifi c about 130 km off the northeast coast of Japan and the following gigantic tsunami. As a result, large amounts of radionuclides were released into the atmosphere and directly discharged into the sea. More than 70 % of the released radionuclides were deposited over the North Pacifi c Ocean [ 1 ]. Studies concerning the fi ssion products, such as 131 I and radiocesium, were carried out intensively after the nuclear accident. However, information about actinides, especially the plutonium (Pu) isotopes, is limited.Pu isotopes are of public and scientifi c interest because they are characterized by radiotoxicity and strong chemical toxicity. They contribute much to the longterm dose for humans because of their relatively long half-lives ( 238 Pu, 87.7 years; 239 Pu, 24,110 years; 240 Pu, 6,561 years; 241 Pu, 14.4 years) . Investigating the characterization of Pu isotopes in marine sediments is important for purposes of environmental monitoring and radiotoxicity assessment. Moreover, Pu isotopes are considered as new geochemical tracers for the study of oceanic processes, such as sedimentation and particle scavenging, and the isotopic composition of Pu ( 240 Pu/ 239 Pu) has been used as an important fi ngerprint for environmental radioactive source identifi cation [ 2 -5 ].Abnormal atom ratios of 240 Pu/ 239 Pu and 241 Pu/ 239 Pu, and activity ratios of 241 Pu/ 239+240 Pu and 238 Pu/ 239+240 Pu, have been reported in surface soil and litter samples in the 20-to 30-km zone around the FDNPP [ 6 , 7 ], suggesting the atmospheric release of Pu isotopes from the nuclear accident. For the marine environment, in previous studies [ 8 , 9 ] we investigated the distribution of Pu isotopes in marine sediments collected in the Pacifi c Ocean, 30 km off the FDNPP site, from July 2011 to July 2012 after the nuclear accident. Sakaguchi et al. [ 10 ] determined Pu concentration in seawaters in the Pacifi c, 50 km off the FDNPP, and they observed no significant amount of extra components from the nuclear accident...