Illcoléoptères des familles retenues (Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Cleridae, Corylophidae, Curculionidae, Elateridae, Lathridiidae et Salpingidae) des sites brûlés et des sites nonbrûlés contenant des arbres annelés, nous avons identifié 18 espèces associées aux brûlis. Ces coléoptères associés aux brûlis n'ont répondu à la coupe de récupération qu'à Tannée no.2 (2007) après l'intervention. Les assemblages de coléoptères associés aux brûlis ont été principalement façonnés par trois groupes de facteurs environnementaux : 1) les conditions de la forêt avant feu, tel la composition en essences; 2) les conditions générées par le feu, soit la distance à la forêt non-brûlée, directement influencée par la forme du brûlis, et la sévérité du feu; 3) la quantité d'aire récupérée et la réduction associée en chicots de conifères matures (dhp > 9 cm).
AbstractThere are a few evidences that salvage logging could hamper natural ecological recovery processes, such as the regeneration of plant species. Indeed, if some boreal saproxylic species are adapted to postfire habitat with which they have evolved, salvage logging might exceed their resilience. This study aimed to identify burn-associated species of the northern boreal forest of the province of Quebec in Canada, and to determine the effect of reducing the merchantable tree basal area through time following salvage logging after fire, on the assemblages of these burn-associated species. Salvage logging was conducted from August 2005 to May 2006 after wildfires that prevailed in 2005, in the Chibougamau region. We sampled beetles over three years after salvage logging (2006 -2008) using multidirectional flight-interception traps. Ten traps were installed in ten plots equally distributed between unburned black spruce (Picea mariana Mill. B.S.P.) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) dominated stands, where 11 mature trees (dbh > 9 cm) were girdled in order to generate recent snags. Thirty-six other traps were set in 36 plots distributed between burned black spruce and jack pine dominated stands residual from salvage logging in order to cover the largest gradient of salvage logging levels. For each burned plot, we measured habitat attributes affected by salvage logging which could influence burn-associated assemblages' structure, such as the basal area of residual trees by species and diameter classes at different scales (0.04 ha and 7 ha). We also measured the distance from the sites to the unburned continuous forest and fire severity, using the delta Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR). By studying beetle assemblages from selected families (Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Cleridae, Corylophidae, Curculionidae, Elateridae, Lathridiidae and Salpingidae) found in burned and unburned plots with girdled trees, we identified 18 burn-associated species. These burn-associated beetles only responded to salvage logging starting from year no.2 (2007) after salvage logging. Burn-associated beetle assemblages were mainly shaped by three groups of environmental factors: 1) prefire forest conditions...