A method-"fracture label"-is described for the cytochemical labeling of the membrane faces produced by freeze-fracture. Human erythrocytes embedded in a crosslinked matrix are frozen, fractured in liquid nitrogen, thawed, labeled, and cut into thin sections. Electron microscope observation of the fracture faces shows preferential partition of concanavalin A binding sites with the. inner half of the membrane. This signifies that, during freeze-fracture, binding sites are dragd from the outer surface across the outer ("exoplasmic") half of the membrane and retained on the protoplasmic fracture face (face P). The fracture process results in exposure of new. anionic-sites on face P. Fracture-label can be applied to the cytochemical characterization of the cellular components exposed. by freeze-fracture of isolated cells and tissues.Freeze-fracture splits membranes along their hydrophobic interior, following the juncture ofend groups provided by a membrane continuum with bilayer organization (1-4). Although fracture of the bilayer produces smooth faces, in all biological membranes these faces are interrupted by particulate components ("membrane intercalated particles" or "intramembranous particles") and, in most, by subtler rugosities ["subparticles" (5)]. Combined use ofimmunochemical and cytochemical techniques with freeze-etching methods, and freeze-fracture observation of reconstituted membrane preparations, demonstrate that, in the systems used, the particles represent the sites ofintegral transmembrane proteins (6-12). Because of the qualitative similarity offreeze-fracture images produced by all biological membranes, the particles are assumed to represent local structural asymmetries in the fracture process provoked by integral membrane.proteins and, possibly, their-associated lipids (3, 4). In the erythrocyte membrane the particles represent the site of the two main integral transmembrane proteins (glycophorin and band III component) which bear AB(H) antigens, influenza virus receptors, wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin A (Con A) binding sites, as well as anionic sites (8)(9)(10)(11)(13)(14)(15).Although splitting of the bilayer continuum by freeze-fracture (and, in consequence, the partition of peripheral membrane proteins) is established, less is known about the fracture behavior of integral membrane proteins (3, 16)-in particular, their antigens and lectin binding sites at the surface (17). Most particles are generally associated with the inner membrane half (1, 2)-i. e., they are observed on the protoplasmic or P face (18). This may be the result ofa stochastic process or reflect individual differences of fracture behavior of the components in each particle or both. On face P the particles represent, at least in part, portions of integral proteins located at the outer (exoplasmic, E) membrane half. It is unknown whether the particles contain hydrophilic surface groups ofintegral proteins dragged, during fracture, from the outer surface. We have labeled freezefractured erythrocytes and repor...