“…With respect to small mammals are caviomorph rodents (e.g., Lagostomus maximus and Myocastor coypus), armadillos (e.g., Chaetophractus villosus, Dasypus hybridus, and Zaedyus pichiy), and carnivores (e.g., Leopardus geoffroyi, Lycalopex gymnocercus, and Conepatus chinga) (Redford and Eisenberg, 1992). Today, some medium and large native mammals (>20 kg), such as guanaco (Lama guanicoe), pampean deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus), and puma (Puma concolor), are absent in most of the region, although they were common in the Holocene (see Martínez and Guti errez, 2004;Politis et al, 2011). Also, there is a large number of small birds (<20 kg), the major species belonging to the Tinamidae (tinamous), Anatidae (ducks and swans), Rallidae (coots, moorhens, and burritos), Podicipedidae (grebes), and Ardeidae (herons) Families (Darrieu and Camperi, 2001).…”