Let p ≥ 3 be a prime and e ≥ 2 an integer. Let σ(x) be a primitive polynomial of degree n over Z/p e Z and G ′ (σ(x), p e ) the set of primitive linear recurring sequences generated by σ(x). A compressing map ϕ on Z/p e Z naturally induces a map ϕ on G ′ (σ(x), p e ). For a subset D of the image of ϕ, ϕ is called to be injective w.r.t. D-uniformity if the distribution of elements of D in the compressed sequence implies all information of the original primitive sequence. In this correspondence, for at least 1 − 2(p − 1)/(p n − 1) of primitive polynomials of degree n, a clear criterion on ϕ is obtained to decide whether ϕ is injective w.r.t. D-uniformity, and the majority of maps on Z/p e Z induce injective maps on G ′ (σ(x), p e ). Furthermore, a sufficient condition on ϕ is given to ensure injectivity of ϕ w.r.t. D-uniformity. It follows from the sufficient condition that if σ(x) is strongly primitive and the compressing map ϕ(x) = f (xe−1), where f (xe−1) is a permutation polynomial over Fp, then ϕ is injective w.r.t. D-uniformity for ∅ = D ⊂ Fp. Moreover, we give three specific families of compressing maps which induce injective maps on G ′ (σ(x), p e ).