We consider subordinators X α = (X α (t)) t≥0 in the domain of attraction at 0 of a stable subordinator (S α (t)) t≥0 (where α ∈ (0, 1)); thus, with the property that Π α , the tail function of the canonical measure of X α , is regularly varying of index −α ∈ (−1, 0) as x ↓ 0. We also analyse the boundary case, α = 0, when Π α is slowly varying at 0. When α ∈ (0, 1), we show that (tΠ α (X α (t))) −1 converges in distribution, as t ↓ 0, to the random variable (S α (1)) α . This latter random variable, as a function of α, converges in distribution as α ↓ 0 to the inverse of an exponential random variable. We prove these convergences, also generalised to functional versions (convergence in D[0, 1]), and to trimmed versions, whereby a fixed number of its largest jumps up to a specified time are subtracted from a process. The α = 0 case produces convergence to an extremal process constructed from ordered jumps of a Cauchy subordinator. Our results generalise random walk and stable process results of Darling, Cressie, Kasahara, Kotani and Watanabe.