There are many ways of measuring and modeling tail-dependence in random vectors: from the general framework of multivariate regular variation and the flexible class of max-stable vectors down to simple and concise summary measures like the matrix of bivariate tail-dependence coefficients. This paper starts by providing a review of existing results from a unifying perspective, which highlights connections between extreme value theory and the theory of cuts and metrics. Our approach leads to some new findings in both areas with some applications to current topics in risk management.We begin by using the framework of multivariate regular variation to show that extremal coefficients, or equivalently, the higher-order tail-dependence coefficients of a random vector can simply be understood in terms of random exceedance sets, which allows us to extend the notion of Bernoulli compatibility. In the special but important case of bivariate tail-dependence, we establish a correspondence between tail-dependence matrices and $$L^1$$
- and $$\ell _1$$
-embeddable finite metric spaces via the spectral distance, which is a metric on the space of jointly 1-Fréchet random variables. Namely, the coefficients of the cut-decomposition of the spectral distance and of the Tawn-Molchanov max-stable model realizing the corresponding bivariate extremal dependence coincide. We show that line metrics are rigid and if the spectral distance corresponds to a line metric, the higher order tail-dependence is determined by the bivariate tail-dependence matrix.Finally, the correspondence between $$\ell _1$$
-embeddable metric spaces and tail-dependence matrices allows us to revisit the realizability problem, i.e. checking whether a given matrix is a valid tail-dependence matrix. We confirm a conjecture of Shyamalkumar and Tao (2020) that this problem is NP-complete.