We consider the problem of computing the minimum value f min,K of a polynomial f over a compact set K ⊆ R n , which can be reformulated as finding a probability measure ν on K minimizing K f dν. Lasserre showed that it suffices to consider such measures of the form ν = qµ, where q is a sum-of-squares polynomial and µ is a given Borel measure supported on K. By bounding the degree of q by 2r one gets a converging hierarchy of upper bounds f (r) for f min,K . When K is the hypercube [−1, 1] n , equipped with the Chebyshev measure, the parameters f (r) are known to converge to f min,K at a rate in O(1/r 2 ). We extend this error estimate to a wider class of convex bodies, while also allowing for a broader class of reference measures, including the Lebesgue measure. Our analysis applies to simplices, balls and convex bodies that locally look like a ball. In addition, we show an error estimate in O(log r/r) when K satisfies a minor geometrical condition, and in O(log 2 r/r 2 ) when K is a convex body, equipped with the Lebesgue measure. This improves upon the currently best known error estimates in O(1/ √ r) and O(1/r) for these two respective cases.Keywords polynomial optimization · sum-of-squares polynomial · Lasserre hierarchy · semidefinite programming · needle polynomial AMS subject classification 90C22; 90C26; 90C30 Improved convergence analysis of Lasserre's measure-based upper bounds for polynomial minimizationThe main disadvantage of the eigenvalue strategy is that it requires the moment matrix of f to have a closed form expression which is sufficiently structured so as to allow for an analysis of its eigenvalues. Closed form expressions for the entries of the matrix M r,f are known only for special sets K, such as the interval [−1, 1], the unit ball, the unit sphere, or the simplex, and only with respect to certain measures.However, as we will see in this paper, the convergence analysis from [10] in O(1/r 2 ) for the interval [−1, 1] equipped with the Chebyshev measure, can be transported to a large class of compact sets, such as the interval [−1, 1] with more general measures, the ball, the simplex, and 'ball-like' convex bodies.Analysis via the construction of feasible solutions. A second strategy to bound the convergence rate of the parameters E (r) (f ) is to construct explicit sum-of-squares density functions q r ∈ Σ r for which the integral K q r f dµ is close to f min,K . In contrast to the previous strategy, such constructions will only yield upper bounds on E (r) (f ).As noted earlier, the integral K f dν may be minimized by selecting the probability measure ν = δ a , the Dirac measure at a global minimizer a of f on K. When the reference measure µ is the Lebesgue measure, it thus intuitively seems sensible to consider sum-of-squares densities q r that approximate the Dirac delta in some way.This approach is followed in [12]. There, the authors consider truncated Taylor expansions of the Gaussian function e −t 2 /2σ , which they use to define the sum-of-squares polynomials