CONCLUSIONSWithin the limitations of the design of the problem and the samples of subjects 1. 2. 3.
4.studied, the following conclusions were found : Verbal I& is indicative of ability to learn in verbal situations. Performance I& is indicative of ability to learn in nonverbal situations.Equality of verbal and performance IQ's is indicative of no difference in verbal and nonverbal abilities. Subtest variation is inversely related to learning proficiency. REFERENCES BIJOU, S. W. The psychometric approach as an aid to clinical analysis-a review. Amer. J . M a t . Def., 1942, 46, 354-362. RABIN. A. I. The use of Wechsler-Bellevue scales with normal and abnormal Dersons. Psuchol. Bull.. i945. 42. 410-427.