Abstract. We say that a distribution is harmonic if it is harmonic when considered as a section of a Grassmann bundle. We find new examples of harmonic distributions and show nonexistense of harmonic distrubutions on some Riemannian manifolds by two different approaches. Firstly, we lift distributions to the second tangent bundle equipped with the Sasaki metric. Secondly, we deform conformally the metric on a base manifold.
IntroductionHarmonic map σ : M → N between Riemannian manifolds is a critical point of energy functionalWhen the considered map σ is a section of a submersion, we may define the weaker condition of harmonicity. In the tangent space of any submersion we may distinguish the vertical subspace and therefore we may consider the vertical projection σ V * (X) of a vector σ * (X), X ∈ T x M. Thus, we define harmonicity of a section via vanishing of the Euler-Lagrange equation of the vertical energy functionalHarmonic distribution (plane field) σ on a Riemannian manifold M is a distribution, which considered as a section σ : M → Gr p (M), p = dim σ, of a Grassmann bundle is harmonic (We equip Gr p (M) with the Riemannian metric induced by the Riemannian metric on M and the invariant inner product on O(n)). The following distributions are known to be harmonic:(1) generalized Hopf fibrations [3,4], (2) characteristic distribution of a contact structure Notice that example (2) is a special case of example (4) since Reeb vector field of a contact structure is unit harmonic.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C43, 58E20.